
iTWeb: Open Source Powering Ahead

With the end of the year just a few weeks away, and this being
my final column for the year, I felt it appropriate to take a brief
snapshot of the open source world.

“The past year has been a highly successful one for Linux and
the open source ethic. Linux now sits firmly and comfortably in the
Sun and IBM camps with both vendors building an entry-level
strategy around the operating system (OS). So much so that a recent
Sun Microsystems publication had a picture of Scott McNealy
alongside a replica of the Linux ‘tux’ penguin at a recent Sun

“Linux has also found its way into other vendors, some more
successfully than others. Oracle for one is backing the open source
horse and now has a firmly established relationship with Red Hat,
while SAP and SuSE have issued announcement after announcement
about their compatibility over the past year…”

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