
Microsoft Hoist by its Own Anti-Anti-Competitive Petard

[ Thanks to E5Rebel
for this link. ]

“One of the decisive moments in computing history was
when Microsoft was investigated for and found guilty of breaching
US rules on anti-competitive behaviour.

“Microsoft’s line in defending itself was that it was not
anti-competitive, that this investigation was all down to
desperate, failed competitors trying to take their petty revenge by
setting the government on the company, and that it should be
allowed to “innovate”, untrammelled by those silly
governmental authorities that just don’t understand all this groovy
technology stuff.

“That played very well in certain constituencies, but was a
risky strategy, because it created what was in effect a huge
ticking time-bomb, just waiting to blow up in Microsoft’s face. It
has now exploded, as a recent posting on Microsoft’s legal and
policy site makes clear:”

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