Apache jumps to an all time high with 62.81% market share at
11,412,233 servers, a gain of 707,927 servers over the June
results. This is more than 3 times Microsoft’s market share, which
is 19.87% at 3,611,020 servers, which is a gain of 122,258 servers
over the June results.“
From the Netcraft web site:
“The Netcraft Web Server Survey is a survey of Web Server
software usage on Internet connected computers. We collect and
collate as many hostnames providing an http service as we can find,
and systematically poll each one with an HTTP request for the
server name. In the July 2000 survey we received responses from
18,169,498 sites.”
Note: Netcraft surveyed 1,050,236 more sites this month than
were surveyed in June, 2000.