“To get started with OpenERP Online (the hosted solution),
companies first register for an online account and a free 30-day
trial is activated upon registration. After creating your account,
you will need to go through the initial process of providing your
business information and choosing a custom URL to access your
OpenERP.“A configuration Wizard will guide you through the initial
set-up process, making recommendations. When starting with OpenERP
Online, all business application modules are available, but you can
use a simplified version with fewer features and configure only
specific applications from the get-go and add more features later
by clicking the ‘Reconfigure’ button in the admin dashboard.“Available modules include customer relationship management
(CRM), project management, warehouse management, invoicing,
purchase management, sales management, knowledge management,
manufacturing, accounting & finance and human resources. You
can also choose to install industry-specific applications for
associations, food industry or auction houses.“The difference between this version of Open ERP and the
Community or Enterprise versions is that online includes additional
services such as hosting, database management, stable security
update, backups, maintenance, bug fixing and migrations.”
OpenERP Review: The Online CRM Module
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