“Oracle is having a new go at Red Hat. But this time, instead of
a RHEL clone, it’s offering an improved version of Linux designed
to optimize the performance of its own hardware and software.
Although it won’t deal a knockout blow to Red Hat, Oracle’s Linux
will certainly take share in the large Oracle database, middleware
and application installed bases (and may further marginalize Suse).
Like Google’s Android, it suggests that Linux is beginning to
fragment in the same way that Unix did.“Ellison takes aim at Red Hat, again
“You have all undoubtedly heard the news that Oracle launched
its own branch of the Linux kernel a few weeks ago. Oracle’s new
Linux goes a step further than the Red Hat clone it announced back
in 2006 – Oracle is now departing from a strict copy of RHEL
by adding its own features specifically designed to enhance the
performance of Oracle brand hardware and software. Since Oracle
ranks a close second to Microsoft as the world’s least popular
software company among open source fans, it’s not surprising that
Larry Ellison’s big announcement has so far met with some
skepticism in the Linux community. But everyone knows Larry doesn’t
give a pile of radioactive marsupial pucky what the open source
community thinks about anything…”
Oracle to Red Hat: It’s Not Your Father’s Linux Market Anymore
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