
siliconvalley.internet.com: McNealy Warns Against Linux Sticker Shock

“The chief executive of Sun Microsystems Tuesday said Linux’s
destiny is to dominate the PC, but defended his company’s
go-it-slow support of the open source operating system on its
servers and systems.

“‘We think the big winner with Linux will be on the desktop,’
said Scott McNealy during a Q&A session at Forrester Research’s
technology and finance conference here.

“‘Should we have done Linux (for) Solaris two years ago?
Guilty,’ McNealy said, referring to the company’s Solaris
proprietary operating system that has a huge installed base in the
financial services industry. But Sun now gives the technology world
both: proprietary systems that come with Sun’s support, scalability
and reliability, and servers that run on Linux…”


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