
Ten Things You Didn’t Know Apache (2.2) Could Do

“Here, let’s look at some of the more exciting innovations
found in 2.2 and perhaps peek at one or two of the more esoteric
ones. You may be surprised and amazed by what’s been lying
under your nose all this time.


“I realized long ago that leaving the best to last merely
ensures that most people won’t make it that far. So,
let’s start with the most compelling feature. If you merely
read this first page, you’ll still be ahead of the other
system administrators in your office.

“Since the beginning of time (the beginning of the web, anyways)
SSL suffered from a fundamental shortcoming. Simply stated, you had
to have one IP address for every new SSL host that you wanted to
run. (The exact origin of this limitation isn’t terribly
important right here. You can find a number of articles on the
subject elsewhere.) But now that we’ve finally arrived in the
21st Century, you can finally run multiple SSL virtual hosts on the
same IP address. You can do this with something called Server Name
Indication (SNI).”


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