Thanks to Alan W.
Irwin for this link.
“Welcome to Linux, the hottest, fastest-growing operating system
on the planet. Linux is everywhere these days: it’s being used by
businesses, schools, students, writers, scientists, Web monkeys,
programmers, graphic designers, and Dilbert’s mom. A free operating
system that has grown from its hobbyist roots to deployment in
major corporations, Linux now has an estimated 10 million users
worldwide. If you’ve been tempted to try out Linux for yourself,
stay tuned, this article is the first of TCP’s new “Linux for
Newbies” series, and is designed to help you get the Linux up and
“The series will lead you through setting up and operating Linux
on an Intel or Intel-compatible PC. Along the way you’ll learn
enough basic Unix commands to administer your Linux system. To
follow along with this series, you’ll need a PC you can use to run
Linux. The minimum system for character-based Linux (similar to
plain DOS) is a 386 with 8 MB RAM, a 100 MB hard drive, and a
CD-ROM drive.”
“To use Linux comfortably with a graphical user interface (GUI),
your PC should have at least 32 MB RAM and a fast processor,
preferably a Pentium-level chip. Linux can coexist with
DOS/Windows, OS/2, or Windows NT. We’ll dig into the details next
time, but planning ahead, you’ll need a 500 MB to 600 MB partition
for a reasonably well-appointed graphical workstation installation,
and 1 GB or 2 GB if you want the kitchen-sink version. With disk
drives being so cheap these days, you may wish to install a second
drive just to experiment with Linux.”