Coming almost half a year after the last release, which brought support for the official Raspberry Pi 7-inch touchscreen and smart TVs, RaspAnd Build 180529 remains based on the Android 7.1.2 Nougat mobile operating system but updates various components to their latest versions at the moment of writing. Among these, we can mention Google Play Services 12.6.85 and Google Play store 10.1.08-all included in the GAPPS (Google Apps) package, Kodi 18.0 Alpha 2 media center, TeamViewer 13.1.8817, Jelly Browser 7.1.2, Aptoide TV 4.0.2, ES File Explorer, Chess 2.4.0, AIDA64 1.51, Termux 0.60, and Quick Reboot Pro 1.8.4.