
CNR Supports Linux Mint, Adds Weatherbug

“Linspire has upgraded its CNR.com (Click’N’Run) download site
for Linux software to support the Ubuntu-based, consumer-friendly
Linux Mint distribution. CNR.com will also add a Linux version of
Weatherbug’s weather service, which offers live, local weather
information and severe weather alerts.

“With the new Linux Mint support, says Linspire, CNR.com now
supports five major Linux distros, including Freespire 2.0, Kubuntu
7.04 and 7.10, Ubuntu 7.04, 7.10, and 8.04 (32bit), and Linspire’s
own Linspire 6.0. To gain access to the free CNR Service, says the
company, Linux Mint 4.0 users can install the free, recently
upgraded CNR Client, available at CNR.com…”


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