
PC Week: We shouldn’t be surprised

“The Melissa virus demonstrates Office’s risks, and serves as a
warning to enterprise IT architects and users that there’s no such
thing as a convenience without a cost.”

“It’s all right to have geniuses build systems for use by
idiots, but the path from laboratory to marketplace needs to go
through the proving ground of prudent engineering.”

“Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office do many things, a
growing number of things, a bewildering variety of things. At the
same time… they are trying (often halfheartedly) to add safety on
instead of designing it in.

“Windows begins with the model of a single user on a single,
personally controlled machine, and never recovers from the
resulting assumption that no piece of code would be on a machine if
the user didn’t want it to be there…”

“Weary of delays in the next generation of Windows NT, and of
the continuing high cost of administering complex Windows clients,
IT managers may well decide that this is the time to find a better


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