
LinuxGazette.com: Using GnuPG, Part I

“In today’s world, communication has broken all previous time
and distance limits. Now you can talk with someone in real-time no
matter how far away he is. That advantage has also brought some
major problems with itself.

“First, it is hard to verify other persons identity with 100%
certainty and second, we can’t know if there is a third party
between who reads our correspondence. Fortunately for us something
called public key cryptography was invented.

“It would be to long for me to explain the principles of the
whole system, so I urge you to read something about it. Here is a
good link for a beginner:
http://www.opengroup.org/messaging/G260/pki_tutorial.htm. Now, if
you are aware how it all works then we can do some practice

“We need to install GNU Privacy Guard, a PGP compatible software
package which we’ll use…”


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