[ Thanks to LogError for this link.
“This article will cover the basics of making a virgin
redhat install more or less secure before putting it on the
internet. Remember all of this work should be done before the
box is put online, as machines can be rooted in minutes of being on
the net….”
“I find the easiest way for most people to shut down unwanted
services is to use the linux administrative tool called linuxconf.
Linuxconf comes packaged with redhat, install the rpm if you dont
already have it.”
“Run linuxconf, goto control, control panel, then control
service activity. From here you can both shut down services
currenty running, and prevent from running from startup in the
future. Use your own discretion here, if you dont need to be
running sendmail, nfs, etc, dont run them. If you dont know what
some of the services are, chances are you dont need to be running
them, and you should shut them down.”