
The Register: US courts kowtow to entertainment industry

“Wednesday was a bad day for the Electronic Frontier
Foundation (EFF ), a watchdog group involved in several suits
challenging the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) on behalf
of consumers, researchers and publishers.

First up, 2600 publisher Eric Corely aka Emmanuel Goldstein, who
was barred from posting or linking to the DeCSS DVD descrambling
utility last summer by a US district court, has lost his appeal.
EFF, which represented Corely, received word Wednesday that the
Second US Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the district court’s
ruling, but has not yet received a copy of the decision. EFF says
it will publish it as soon as it can, probably within a few days’

Second, Princeton Computer Science Professor Edward Felten, who
brought suit with EFF representation seeking a declaratory judgment
which would guarantee his freedom to present and publish findings
from the HackSDMI public challenge of last September, has seen his
case dismissed.”


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