Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 17:55:17 +0300 (EEST)
From: Henri Bergius
Subject: MWS for 18th of April, 2000 (#35)
There has been a two-week pause in the publication of these
summaries as I’ve been on vacation. Because of that, this week’s
MWS is rather populated with major announcements.
Current versions: Stable: 1.2.5 (Mad King) Devel.: 1.4-beta3
Midgard 1.4-beta3 released
The latest beta in the 1.4 series of Midgard was released last
night. This new release contains many nice improvements to the
successful 1.2.6-beta2 release, including the SiteGroups virtual
database environment and calendaring support.
As always, this release is for testing purposes only, and
shouldn’t be used on production servers. It is also recommended to
read the Release Notes before downloading the packages.
“We hope that Midgard 1.4-beta3 will be useful for your needs
and are waiting your responses in any cases, be it either success
stories or bug notifications, or feature requests. Midgard is our
common world of Open Software, let’s build it together!”
The developer team can be contacted by sending email to
Goals and organization for Midgard documentation
The documentation efforts in Midgard have been lagging behind
the rest of the development for quite some time, but now there seem
to finally be enough interested participants in the project to
actually start getting releasable documentation.
At the moment we’re looking for a Documentation Coordinator to
work alongside our branch maintainers, supervise the work on our
documentation and help contributors to work with the documentation
standards and tools used in this project. The responsibilities
would also include maintaining some kind of view on what the
general state of the documentation is and what needs to be done in
that end.
Sean D. Ackley and Armand A. Verstappen are looking at
coordinating these efforts.
To help the documentation work, Ron Parker has written a letter
on his views on what the goals for the documentation project should
be, and how the work should be organized.
The Midgard Project Ry founded
We have founded a nonprofit organization to advance the
development and usage of the Midgard Web Application environment
and project, and to provide equal opportunities of making use of
the system to both users and developers.
To advance these goals, the organization offers the project the
needed working environment and services infrastructure, and
enhances the knowledgeability of Midgard by publishing
announcements and other material concerning Midgard. The
organization also represents Midgard by participating to IT
industry events and arranging training, PR, and other events. The
organization also offers all contributors of the Midgard project
the needed development environment by governing the copyrights of
the major components of the Midgard Application Server.
To support its operations, the organization accepts donations
from its supporters and collects membership fees from its members.
In addition, the organization also practices publishing and sells
supplemental products for the project.
The first board of The Midgard Project Ry is:
Henri Bergius ( – Chairman
Eero af Heurlin ( – Vice Chairman
Laeticia Söderman ( – Secretary
Jukka Zitting ( – Treasurer
Besides these, the existing branch maintainers will function as
organization officials, and will be working closely with the
Implementing two-way replication
The one-way implementation of Repligard replication is now
ready, and in use at some production-level systems, and so it is
now time to turn focus to two-way replication.
The two-way replication development project will be handled by
Jukka Zitting and Johannes Hentunen as a internal development
project of Stonesoft Corp, and will be contributed to the Midgard
community under GPL license.
Some design issues with the replication implementation still
remain, and so everybody interested in the system is welcome to
help with the process.
Jukka Zitting has posted a project plan to the Midgard developer
mailing list.
Blob serving
Emiliano Heyns has posted the first version of BLOB (Binary
Large OBject) serving support for Midgard.
This enables Midgard site maintainers to serve and manage
arbitary data (sound, images, video, …) natively with the Midgard
The extension is still very experimental, but the work on
integrating it with the main 1.4 source tree should begin quite
About Midgard
Midgard is a freely-available Web application development and
publishing platform based on the popular PHP scripting language. It
is an Open Source development project, giving you the freedom to
create your solutions in an open environment. Midgard is the tool
for creating, modifying and maintaining dynamic database-enabled
web services.
About MWS
The Midgard Weekly Summary is a newsletter for the Midgard user
and developer community.
The MWS is currently being distributed in following mediums:
-The Midgard Project’s Web site
-Linux Weekly News
-Linux Today
-Linux Developer’s Network
-Midgard mailing list
If you would like to release it elsewhere, please contact Henri
Bergius (a
Previous issues of Midgard Weekly Summary can be found archived
at the Midgard web site.
— Henri Bergius — +358 40 525 1334 — —