Sam Ockman
posted to the Silicon Valley Linux
Users’ Group mailing list:
…UC Berkeley Extension has asked me to headhunt them a
qualified person to teach a class on Linux this summer. You get to
design the curriculum, hours, etc. So if you know a lot and can
teach, please send me some info on why you’re qualified and a text
resume. You are of course compensated. A normal class would
probably meet once a week for four weeks, for a few hours each
I taught Perl there a while ago and it was great fun. It’s a lot
of work to prepare, but it’s really cool when at the end they are
righting there own pre-forking web servers (and without using any
modules, just straight Perl…in other words from scratch…) I
still stay in touch with some of my students. It was a very
rewarding experience. Highly recommended.
-- Sam Ockman | Tell your friends about our reliable (415) 88-LINUX | Linux Workstations and Servers (888) 876-9585 | and we'll fund your Open Source projects |