Based on the upcoming Debian GNU/Linux 10 “Buster” operating system, which should see the light of day in mid-2019, the SparkyLinux 5.4 update is here three months after the SparkyLinux 5.3 release announced in mid-March 2018 to continue the SparkyLinux 5 “Nibiru” rolling series, and it’s available only as LXQt, MinimalGUI, and MinimalCLI editions. Featuring all the latest package and security updates from the Debian Testing a.k.a. Debian Buster software repositories as of June 10, 2018, SparkyLinux 5.4 ships with the Linux 4.16.12 kernel by default, though users can install the latest Linux kernel 4.17 from the unstable repos, the Calamares 3.1.12 installer, and the xinit package, which provides the “startx” command.
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